MilitaryResource Center

Case Study | Legionarius Smart Garments Report Wounds Using goTenna Pro X Series + ATAK

In June of 2024, goTenna and Legionarius embarked on a mission to showcase the impact of remote situational awareness and intervention in treating hemorrhaging wounds from gunshots, shrapnel, or explosives. Legionarius’ Smart Garments leveraged goTenna’s off-grid network data transport layer for this battlefield simulation test. The successful pairing of Legionarius Smart Garments with a goTenna Pro X2 device could revolutionize battlefield medical intervention. It would enable instant transmission of crucial wound and health data, ensure immediate support from teammates, and significantly enhance mission success and safety. This breakthrough could optimize medical responses and resources, eliminating the need for costly satellite communications or easily detectable radio voice transmissions.

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The Author

Natalia Kossobokova

Natalia Kossobokova

Natalia Kossobokova is the Executive Editor of The Last Mile and the Content Marketing Manager at goTenna. She spearheads the development of global marketing content which includes thought leadership content and other marketing projects. She has over 10 years of experience working in the government communications industry. Natalia graduated from the University of Maryland with a Master's degree in Business Administration with a focus in Marketing.

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