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What is The Last Mile?

Mobile mesh networking is a new take on off-grid communications technology that has been around for decades. The history of mesh networking for professional use can be traced back to early forms of U.S. military mesh networking devices from the 1970s. This is a widely used communications platform for extending connectivity and communication to the last mile. First-responders, firefighters, law enforcement and the military are often deployed in areas where radio and cellular networks simply don’t exist because they were denied or compromised.

We created The Last Mile to explore how life-saving professionals can extend connectivity through hand-held drones, situational awareness apps, mesh networking radios and other innovative approaches for public safety and military off-grid communications. Our publication covers emergency management best practices, government communications trends and features first-hand, critical communication experiences from former government employees. Join us as we explore different ways that mesh networking can help government agencies increase connectivity and situational awareness in the field.

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