MilitaryResource Center

Data sheet | goTenna for JTAC operations

goTenna JTAC support

As a Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC), total situational awareness is necessary to employ precision munitions and prevent fratricide. Many times, there may not be a JTAC with each friendly element on the battlefield, meaning the JTAC must rely on observers situated in other locations to relay targeting data. This data – often relayed over voice networks – takes time and has a high margin of error. goTenna provides a timely and accurate method of information relay through TAK.

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The Author

Natalia Kossobokova

Natalia Kossobokova

Natalia Kossobokova is the Executive Editor of The Last Mile and the Content Marketing Manager at goTenna. She spearheads the development of global marketing content which includes thought leadership content and other marketing projects. She has over 10 years of experience working in the government communications industry. Natalia graduated from the University of Maryland with a Master's degree in Business Administration with a focus in Marketing.

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