joint terminal attack controller

Data sheet | goTenna for JTAC operations
As a Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC), total situational awareness is necessary to employ precision munitions and prevent fratricide. Many times, there may not be a JTAC with each friendly element on the battlefield, meaning the JTAC must rely on observers situated in other locations to relay targeting data. This

Connecting the island of Oahu, Hawaii with goTenna’s mesh networking
With its seven major islands, Hawaii stands as a captivating global destination, magnetizing millions of tourists annually. Yet, amidst the allure of crystal-clear coasts and powdery white sands, the Hawaiian islands possess a formidable and capricious aspect, often overshadowed by their tropical and cultural charm. Concealed within this paradise lies

Virtual Demo | goTenna Pro for Military Operations
Join Wes Bryant, goTenna’s Military Business Development Lead, and Elan Franz, goTenna’s Product Strategy Lead, for a virtual demonstration of goTenna Pro’s mesh networking technology for military operations. In this demo, you’ll learn how goTenna Pro’s tactical-grade radio devices can augment existing comms tools and provide situational awareness through text-based

ATAK and goTenna Pro X for the JTAC – improved situational awareness for faster close air support
Having served in the United States Air Force as a Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC), I understand the importance of situational awareness for conventional and special operations forces missions. During my twenty years of service, I contributed to countless missions in austere environments attached to U.S. and coalition ground forces,