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ATAK plugin

1-pager | TAK Plugin Integration
Harnessing the power of the Team Awareness Kit for Android (ATAK) is now more accessible than ever, serving over 40,000 Department of Defense (DoD) users and 32,000 nonfederal users. Offering cutting-edge situational awareness and field operation management tools, ATAK caters to both large-scale agencies and smaller entities alike. Yet, how

4 Takeaways from an interoperability TAK demonstration presented at the TAK 2023 Conference
In August of this year, industry, defense, and public safety officials from the United States met at the annual Team Awareness Kit (TAK) offsite held in Raleigh, North Carolina. This incredibly technical and comprehensive event encompassed over 30 sessions, including keynote speakers, program briefings, panels, and technical tracks. These sessions