Big Data

5 “must have” tools for more connected firefighting
In a previous post on The Last Mile, we looked at some of the large technology trends that are poised to get funding across the nation and transform firefighting in 2022. I also discussed how the Biden Administration – seeing the increased frequency and severity of incredibly damaging wildfires –

The exciting technologies revolutionizing firefighting in 2022
In a list of the most devastating and destructive years for wildland fires since 1960, the worst five years in terms of acreage burned have all occurred within the past decade and a half. That means that we’re living in a time of more frequent, more deadly, and more devastating

Empowering a more effective, proactive government with data
In today’s increasingly network-enabled, digitally-transformed government, one of the greatest resources that the government has at its disposal is data. As David Egts, the Chief Technologist for North America Public Sector at Red Hat recently explained in an interview, “It’s clear that data has the power to revolutionize the government.