Posts Tagged

Firewatch Solutions

Emergency Response

According to the UN, half of the world’s population lacks reliable internet access, with the vast majority concentrated in developing countries. As communities around the globe work to close the digital divide over the next few decades, there are countless nonprofit and nongovernmental organizations that need to fill critical connectivity

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Emergency ResponseResource Center

Half of the world’s population lacks reliable internet access, with the vast majority concentrated in developing countries. As communities around the globe work to close the digital divide, there are countless nonprofits and nongovernmental organizations that need to fill critical gaps in connectivity now in order to operate safely and

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Emergency Response

In many of the world’s developing nations, there is a vast ecosystem of non-governmental organizations (NGO) working feverishly to help improve the quality of life. Operating in these places can be dangerous, as access to secure communications can be limited or inconsistent. After a career in the U.S. Marine Corps,

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Man holding a smartphone
Emergency Response

Too many times I’ve heard travelers say, “I have a bunch of ways to call home, I have Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and even Instagram,” not realizing that all of those rely upon a single communications channel. When the data cellular network goes down, all of those apps are unusable. Building

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