Bunker Supply

Building the EdgeRelay – goTenna and Bunker on what’s needed to ensure resilient, off-grid comms
In a previous article, we discussed the recent release of goTenna’s exciting EdgeRelay solution and how this semi-permanent, ruggedized support node enables tactical operators to have mission-critical communications and situational awareness capabilities when and where the mission requires them. However, creating a system tough enough to handle the harsh conditions

Webinar | Testing goTenna Pro X Mesh Networks in a Dense Forest
Join Mike Gibbs, Senior Forward-Deployed Engineer at goTenna as he discusses his mesh network field test findings. During the test, his team was able to test goTenna Pro X mesh network range through moderate to heavy densities of vegetation at shoulder, canopy-level as well as above vegetation via a drone

Bunker Supply on developing on-body equipment for those on the frontline
Loss of connectivity at the last mile can often mean life or death for the average wildland firefighter, rescue team member, or soldier. As experts in on-body equipment, Bunker Supply makes it their mission to prevent communications equipment failure by building cases that can survive some of the world’s harshest