convoy connectivity

Virtual Demo | goTenna Pro for Emergency Response
Communications are the ultimate lifeline for emergency responders — but mission-critical cell, wifi, radio, and satellite networks are often the first casualty of a natural or man-made disaster. As emergency response teams face potentially record-breaking secondary disasters in addition to the global COVID-19 pandemic, communications capabilities will become even more

Virtual Demo | goTenna Pro for Tactical Law Enforcement
Tactical law enforcement units operate in congested urban areas, in and out of buildings and vehicles, and even in remote locations. No matter the mission, communications tools are essential to maintaining situational awareness and a low visibility profile — but what happens when cell, wifi, and radio networks become unreliable

Virtual Demo | goTenna Pro for Military Operations
Join Wes Bryant, goTenna’s Military Business Development Lead, and Elan Franz, goTenna’s Product Strategy Lead, for a virtual demonstration of goTenna Pro’s mesh networking technology for military operations. In this demo, you’ll learn how goTenna Pro’s tactical-grade radio devices can augment existing comms tools and provide situational awareness through text-based