Virtual Demo | goTenna Pro for Emergency Response

Communications are the ultimate lifeline for emergency responders — but mission-critical cell, wifi, radio, and satellite networks are often the first casualty of a natural or man-made disaster. As emergency response teams face potentially record-breaking secondary disasters in addition to the global COVID-19 pandemic, communications capabilities will become even more limited. How can response and rescue teams stay connected to each other and an evolving incident when no other form of communications are available?
Join us for a recording of our first-ever virtual demonstration of goTenna Pro’s mesh networking technology for emergency response. In this demo, you’ll learn how goTenna Pro radio devices can augment existing communications tools and provide fully off-grid situational awareness through text messaging, location tracking, and map marking in the toughest, comms-denied environments.
Here’s what we’ll cover:
- How goTenna Pro mesh networking radio devices and paired mobile applications work
- How goTenna Pro augments existing emergency communications equipment like two-way radios, mobile towers, and ham radios
- How emergency response teams are using goTenna Pro today
- Which accessories and gear help protect goTenna Pro devices during deployments
- A recording of our live Q&A
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