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Emergency ResponseMilitary

From small event security to sophisticated military operations, the need for reliable situational awareness and communications between operation team members encompasses a wide range of scenarios, no matter the size and scope of the mission. When teams in the field have the ability to establish effective lines of communication and

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Bernalillo County
Emergency ResponseLaw EnforcementWildland Fire

When the Bernalillo County Sheriff Department’s (BCSD) Metro Air Support Unit (MASU) receives a search and rescue call from dispatch, time, speed, and, most importantly, situational awareness (SA) are crucial, make-or-break factors that determine the outcome of a critical incident. To add pressure to an already intense situation, New Mexico’s

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Emergency ResponseWildland Fire

This year has been one of the worst on record for wildfire response operations and crews around the globe. It started in Australia at the very beginning of the year, with brushfires that were so devastating and destructive that they were headline news on every continent, burnt approximately 46 million

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