U.S. Army

Building better training scenarios and after-action reports
Training is a part of life for many individuals who perform the nation’s most essential national security and defense jobs. Whether they’re called drills, exercises, or any other name, training events are critical for ensuring everyone knows what to do and how to respond when emergencies arise. In some other

New VP of Defense Sales at goTenna highlights what’s next for the company
With over twenty-five years of experience supporting the defense and communications markets, Cyrus Wilson, a U.S. Army veteran, was appointed the new VP of Defense Sales for goTenna this past June. In this new position, he will lead and manage goTenna’s Department of Defense (DoD) business strategy and execution. He

Streamlining collaboration and enhancing mission security for TAK
Earlier this week, it was announced that Mattermost, a leader in secure collaboration for mission-critical work in complex environments, has completed its $1.25 million Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II contract. This contract delivers mission-critical ChatOps capabilities for the Air Force Research Laboratory’s (AFRL) Tactical Assault Kit (TAK) and

Hot Take: goTenna EdgeRelay vs. goTenna Pro X2 in “Relay Mode”
As part of the Hot Takes series, we’ll take a highly debated topic and explore the pros and cons of both sides. During each debate, you’ll hear from goTenna experts who offer hands-on experience working with customers and deploying goTenna Pro X2 devices in the field. Leave a comment below,

Tracking specialized freefall units: goTenna and ATAK connect military freefall operators during infiltration
With hundreds of pounds strapped to their backs, one hundred mile winds tossing them around mid-air, and the thick blanket of night impeding their view, military freefall operators have less than a minute to act. In those few seconds, any decision they make could result in the success or failure

How mobile mesh can enable coordinated joint multi-domain military operations
There is one overarching theme or trend that industry partners have been hearing from the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) over the past decade – the adversaries of the future will be near-peer threats that have built their military capabilities with the distinct purpose of defeating the United States. This

The truly disruptive role of mobile mesh networking in off-grid comms
While the merits of some newer technologies – from social media to video conferencing – might be debated, the concept of new technologies or advancements is usually to make life easier, better, or more convenient. New, disruptive technologies offer a solution to a challenge that people or organizations face, or

4 exciting new solutions for the hyper-enabled operator
The U.S. military has always been at the forefront of deploying innovative technology to enhance situational awareness and provide strategic advantage. Today, the military is more reliant than ever on technology and is working towards creating hyper-enabled operators. For example, the Army recently announced its HoloLens order, which will bring

5 reasons the ATAK app should be a standard issue for mission readiness training
In a previous article on The Last Mile, Michael Thomas talked about some of the ways that the ATAK application and mobile mesh networking can help warfighters with land navigation. He also discussed how hours were shaved off of recon missions by incorporating the ATAK app and mobile mesh networking

Sgt. Jennifer “Wavelength” Smith on keeping the Army connected
Considering the importance of digital, network-connected devices to our daily lives as civilians, it should come as no surprise that U.S. Army warfighters are increasingly dependent on digital solutions when deployed. But who keeps those networks operating and the warfighters connected? That’s the job of the U.S. Army’s Signal Corps,