Virtual Demo | goTenna Pro for Wildland Firefighting

Wildfires are proving to be more deadly and destructive than ever, making real-time situational awareness and communications increasingly critical for wildland fire crews. Recent federal legislation passed in the United States even requires new location tracking technology to improve individual firefighters’ safety on the fire line — but what happens when cell, wifi, and radio networks become unreliable and access to critical comms tools are lost?
goTenna Pro radio devices can augment existing comms tools and provide situational awareness through text messaging, location tracking, and map marking in the most complex, comms-denied environments.
Tags:demofirefighter comms networkfirefighter communicationsfirefighter radiofirefightersgoTennagoTenna Promesh networkmesh networking radiostactical commsvirtual demowildfire radioswildland firewildland fire commswildland fire radios
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