goTenna Pro

1-pager | TAK Plugin Integration
Harnessing the power of the Team Awareness Kit for Android (ATAK) is now more accessible than ever, serving over 40,000 Department of Defense (DoD) users and 32,000 nonfederal users. Offering cutting-edge situational awareness and field operation management tools, ATAK caters to both large-scale agencies and smaller entities alike. Yet, how

Can mobile mesh networks like goTenna’s be hacked?
In an era of increasing reliance on interconnected critical infrastructure systems, safeguarding power grids, gas pipelines, and transportation networks has never been more vital. These systems are often vulnerable to malware and other malicious hacking methods. Most recently, Dutch researchers from cybersecurity firm Midnight Blue have identified vulnerabilities in the

Elevating Connectivity: Taking Communications to the Skies with Airborne Technologies
The conflict in Ukraine has highlighted the power and recent utilization uptick of drones on the battlefield. Ukrainian forces have used small commercial drones to deter invasion attempts by the Russians. These off-the-shelf drones provide Ukrainian troops with vital intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities. The U.S. military has taken

Video | Military freefall operations through the TAK server
This video shows a military freefall training operation as viewed through the TAK server, which simulates a tactical operations center observing soldiers in a field environment. The Drop Zone Safety Officer (DZSO) has ATAK running with a TAK server connection via cellular data and a goTenna for local Radio Frequency

Tech Spotlight Series: Darkhive’s lower-cost drones give situational awareness while keeping people safe
The chase is on, a law enforcement officer racing after a dangerous fugitive through the dark and winding streets. With every passing moment, the tension mounts, the stakes higher as they get further away from backup. Suddenly, the fugitive darts into an abandoned building, slamming the door shut behind them.

Video | goTenna Pro Deployment Kit 2 Tutorial
Now including a removable and ruggedized Samsung tablet, the goTenna Pro Deployment Kit 2 (goKit 2) can be used as an off-grid mobile command center to provide unprecedented situational awareness at the tactical edge. For more details or to request a virtual or in-person demo, visit:

Video | How goTenna’s mobile mesh network connects air-to-ground operators and moving assets
By simply deploying a goTenna Pro X2 device with each tactical operator involved in the military freefall exercise, users can track each other on a map or send messages at a 5-second Position, Location, Information (PLI) rate. There are more benefits to mobile mesh for military freefall than simply providing

Conversations at SOFIC illustrate SOCOM in transition and in need of new solutions
Last month, the senior leaders and decision-makers from the Special Operations Forces (SOF) community came together with industry leaders and solution providers at the 2022 Special Operations Forces Industry Conference (SOFIC). This annual event is one of the most attended Special Operations-focused events of the year. It is the best

Leveraging mobile mesh for safer, more connected military freefall operations
With a hundred mile per hour winds pelting water at their skin, dense jungle canopies covering their drop zone, and overwhelming darkness blinding their path, the Military Assistance Command – Studies and Observations Group’s (MACV- SOG) six-man recon team made history as they plummeted into foreign territory for the first

5 reasons why mobile mesh is an essential military communications tool
As connected devices and the network-enabled platforms and weapons systems of tomorrow make their way into every part of the mission, many across the DoD are looking to the rapidly advancing commercial satellite industry and 5G networks to deliver the military communications that they require to operate. Unfortunately, 5G networks