Webinar | How to build resilience and reduce risk with your emergency communications plan

Recent disasters — from Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico to the Camp Fire in California — have proven that communications are the most critical and central infrastructure for emergency response and recovery. In order to reduce future disaster risk, emergency managers can begin to build community resilience with a better understanding of modern communications infrastructure.
In this recorded webinar presentation, you will learn how to turn the lessons of recent disasters into actionable strategies for your emergency communications plan.
Fill out the form below to view the webinar.
Tags:Camp Firecommunications infrastructureEmergency communications planemergency notification systemsgoTennaHurricane Mariamobile mesh networkingprotective measurementredundancyresilienceresiliencyresilient communitiesrisk managementrisk mitigationrouting diversitystreamlined communicationwebinarwebinars
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