atak app

1-pager | TAK Plugin Integration
Harnessing the power of the Team Awareness Kit for Android (ATAK) is now more accessible than ever, serving over 40,000 Department of Defense (DoD) users and 32,000 nonfederal users. Offering cutting-edge situational awareness and field operation management tools, ATAK caters to both large-scale agencies and smaller entities alike. Yet, how

Can mobile mesh networks like goTenna’s be hacked?
In an era of increasing reliance on interconnected critical infrastructure systems, safeguarding power grids, gas pipelines, and transportation networks has never been more vital. These systems are often vulnerable to malware and other malicious hacking methods. Most recently, Dutch researchers from cybersecurity firm Midnight Blue have identified vulnerabilities in the

Taking ATAK to the next level – four useful ATAK plugins
Disclaimer for our readers: Since this article was written, TAK is now available on the Google Play Store. Users that need the military-grade capabilities and features of ATAK can reach out via their TAK administrator through for access to the military version of the application. The Android Team Awareness

Whitepaper | Remote situational awareness for special operations forces
Today’s connectivity allows each person to extend their scope of awareness well beyond their immediate environment. Without being physically present in a location, we can know the weather, check traffic, and receive updated news from nearly anywhere in the world. Remote situational awareness (RSA) — the ability to perceive beyond

Tech Talk | Remote Situational Awareness for Special Operations Forces
Join Wes Bryant, SOF Business Development Lead at goTenna as he presents a 10-minute Tech Talk on Remote Situational Awareness (RSA) during DSI’s 9th Annual SOF and Worldwide Operations Symposium on December 10th, 2020. Bryant discusses how to integrate low-bandwidth mesh networking technologies into tactical communications, command, and control. He