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Hurricane Maria

Puerto Rico Hurricane distruction
Emergency ResponseResource Center

The Last Mile Podcast features in-depth interviews with operators on the front lines of remote and austere missions around the world. Rafael Bobe, owner of LCG Holdings in Puerto Rico, knows the value of reliable and resilient communications networks. He was on the ground during Hurricanes Irma and Maria in

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Emergency Response

It’s almost impossible to deny the fact that “100-year storms” are happening almost every disaster season. And now in the midst of an unprecedented pandemic, emergency management agencies are all too accustomed to preparing for the worst. But emergency response isn’t the same everywhere. Emergency situations in some geographies and

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flooded street during hurricane
Resource Center

Recent disasters — from Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico to the Camp Fire in California — have proven that communications are the most critical and central infrastructure for emergency response and recovery. In order to reduce future disaster risk, emergency managers can begin to build community resilience with a better

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