off-grid connectivity

Is mobile mesh networking the solution for embassy security?
The United States operates more than 250 embassies and consulates across the globe. Stationed within these embassies and consulates are State Department employees and United States diplomatic personnel responsible for assisting American citizens abroad and playing an essential role in international relations and U.S. foreign affairs. U.S. ambassadors and diplomats

goTenna and Urban Sky shatter coverage records at Tough Stump Tech Rodeo
In June of this year, the goTenna team had the privilege to participate in another Tough Stump Tech Rodeo, an off-grid communications field test hosted by Tough Stump Technologies. This yearly collaborative event provides an opportunity for technology vendors and equipment manufacturers to showcase their products and also work together

Connecting the island of Oahu, Hawaii with goTenna’s mesh networking
With its seven major islands, Hawaii stands as a captivating global destination, magnetizing millions of tourists annually. Yet, amidst the allure of crystal-clear coasts and powdery white sands, the Hawaiian islands possess a formidable and capricious aspect, often overshadowed by their tropical and cultural charm. Concealed within this paradise lies

Conversations at SOFIC illustrate SOCOM in transition and in need of new solutions
Last month, the senior leaders and decision-makers from the Special Operations Forces (SOF) community came together with industry leaders and solution providers at the 2022 Special Operations Forces Industry Conference (SOFIC). This annual event is one of the most attended Special Operations-focused events of the year. It is the best

Leveraging mobile mesh for safer, more connected military freefall operations
With a hundred mile per hour winds pelting water at their skin, dense jungle canopies covering their drop zone, and overwhelming darkness blinding their path, the Military Assistance Command – Studies and Observations Group’s (MACV- SOG) six-man recon team made history as they plummeted into foreign territory for the first

Six ATAK + goTenna Pro X use cases for tactical off-grid operations
American warfighters can attest to the fact that maintaining situational awareness (SA) and communication amongst team members can be the determining factor of a successful mission. Whether warfighters are deployed on combat search and rescue (CSAR) operations, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) missions, or are a member of a special