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Emergency ResponseLaw EnforcementMilitary

Prior to deploying to a crisis response center in a remote location, humanitarian aid workers typically have an initial communications plan which includes a list of crucial stakeholders, their goals, and the hierarchy for sharing information on the crisis. Team leaders have to know who they need to talk to,

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As connected devices and the network-enabled platforms and weapons systems of tomorrow make their way into every part of the mission, many across the DoD are looking to the rapidly advancing commercial satellite industry and 5G networks to deliver the military communications that they require to operate. Unfortunately, 5G networks

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Mesh network bringing situational awareness to border security
Emergency ResponseLaw EnforcementResource Center

Recent advances in the curation of geospatial data and technology have made it possible to understand strategic areas of interest in more detail than ever before. Data democratization and machine learning are paving the way for analysts to monitor exactly how busy locations are at different times and what this

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Wildland firefighter wearing a helmet
Emergency ResponseWildland Fire

In a previous post on The Last Mile, we looked at some of the large technology trends that are poised to get funding across the nation and transform firefighting in 2022. I also discussed how the Biden Administration – seeing the increased frequency and severity of incredibly damaging wildfires –

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Each branch of the U.S. military has a technological research and development (R&D) arm dedicated to advancing and strengthening the organization through the adoption of innovative and new technologies. Though the military conducts its own testing and deployment of novel technologies in-house, the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) also recognizes

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This Image depicts the differences between goTenna Mesh and goTenna Pro X. goTenna Pro X is used for emergency response, public safety, Military, and law enforcement. goTenna Mesh is used for recreational activities such as hiking, camping, or attending events with large crowds.
Emergency ResponseLaw EnforcementMilitaryResource Center

goTenna Mesh is designed for your personal use during outdoor trips, international travel, emergency preparedness, festivals, and crowded events. Check the full tech specs for goTenna Mesh here.  Meanwhile, goTenna Pro X is designed for professional teams who require a product that is more powerful, operational, and ruggedized than goTenna

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SafeGraph data
Emergency ResponseLaw EnforcementMilitaryWildland Fire

In today’s increasingly network-enabled, digitally-transformed government, one of the greatest resources that the government has at its disposal is data. As David Egts, the Chief Technologist for North America Public Sector at Red Hat recently explained in an interview, “It’s clear that data has the power to revolutionize the government.

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Emergency ResponseLaw EnforcementMilitary

Drones have become pervasive in our culture and society. YouTube is filled with amazing aerial drone footage of natural wonders. Young children are gifted small drones as holiday presents. There are event mall kiosks that sell small drones. Consumer drones are everything from a neat hobby for some to a

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assured comms
Emergency ResponseLaw EnforcementMilitary

For all operations in austere environments, having assured comms is essential for the life and safety of those in the field, as well as the success of the mission. Imagine that you are part of a small team operating in an austere environment tasked with gathering critical information on a

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Emergency ResponseMilitaryWildland Fire

Last month, goTenna – the world’s leading mobile mesh networking company and provider of off-grid connectivity solutions for smartphones and other devices – participated in Tough Stump’s Tech Rodeo, an off-grid communications field test hosted by Tough Stump Technologies and Skybridge Tactical. The goal of the Tech Rodeo was to test ATOS,

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