mesh networking

3 ways mobile mesh networking can keep sports fans safe
Super Bowl Sunday is a day that resonates with many Americans, especially when they attend in person. People love the rush of watching a touchdown, the smell of fresh hot dogs, and the energy from the crowd. Fans also enjoy using their cell phones to make social media updates and

3 ways nonprofits utilized mesh networks to stay connected off the grid
From performing mountain rescues to establishing resilient communities in hurricane-prone regions, having access to reliable communications is critical for the success of both short-term and long-term recovery efforts executed by nonprofits and humanitarian aid organizations. According to the World Economic Forum, humanitarian crises are more frequent and severe than ever,

Video | goTenna Pro Deployment Kit 2 Tutorial
Now including a removable and ruggedized Samsung tablet, the goTenna Pro Deployment Kit 2 (goKit 2) can be used as an off-grid mobile command center to provide unprecedented situational awareness at the tactical edge. For more details or to request a virtual or in-person demo, visit:

Video | How goTenna’s mobile mesh network connects air-to-ground operators and moving assets
By simply deploying a goTenna Pro X2 device with each tactical operator involved in the military freefall exercise, users can track each other on a map or send messages at a 5-second Position, Location, Information (PLI) rate. There are more benefits to mobile mesh for military freefall than simply providing

5 reasons why mobile mesh is an essential military communications tool
As connected devices and the network-enabled platforms and weapons systems of tomorrow make their way into every part of the mission, many across the DoD are looking to the rapidly advancing commercial satellite industry and 5G networks to deliver the military communications that they require to operate. Unfortunately, 5G networks

5 “must have” tools for more connected firefighting
In a previous post on The Last Mile, we looked at some of the large technology trends that are poised to get funding across the nation and transform firefighting in 2022. I also discussed how the Biden Administration – seeing the increased frequency and severity of incredibly damaging wildfires –

The exciting technologies revolutionizing firefighting in 2022
In a list of the most devastating and destructive years for wildland fires since 1960, the worst five years in terms of acreage burned have all occurred within the past decade and a half. That means that we’re living in a time of more frequent, more deadly, and more devastating

Can wearables overcome the basic human limitations of warfighters?
About a decade ago, wearables were an incredibly hot topic in the consumer electronics industry. When the Apple Watch was introduced, many people were skeptical about the functionality of a watch that looked like it was something right out of the Inspector Gadget Saturday morning cartoon. In fact, early reviews

Situational awareness? Thanks to ATAK, there’s an app for that!
If you’ve ever served your nation as a member of the military or served your community as a first responder, you may have heard the acronym, “ATAK.” Interestingly enough, depending on which of those communities you were a member of, that acronym could stand for something different. In the military,

Whitepaper | Remote situational awareness for special operations forces
Today’s connectivity allows each person to extend their scope of awareness well beyond their immediate environment. Without being physically present in a location, we can know the weather, check traffic, and receive updated news from nearly anywhere in the world. Remote situational awareness (RSA) — the ability to perceive beyond