military communications

The top five articles of 2022 illustrate a year of change across the public sector
As the calendar year comes to a close, it’s only natural to look back and discuss some of the major trends and stories that defined and shaped our experiences over the previous twelve months. Reflecting back, it’s safe to say that 2022 was a year of transition and change in

10 tips for extending mesh networking range using ground-based devices
In a previous article on The Last Mile, we looked at how elevating a goTenna Pro X mobile mesh networking device could drastically increase the range of the signal. We then looked at some of the different ways in which mobile mesh networking devices could be taken to incredible heights

Off-grid or underground – Regulus Global on meeting the communications needs of tactical operators
As modernization and digital transformation initiatives continue to take hold across the federal government, the need for connectivity and critical communications in the field only increases. To help ensure that warfighters, tactical operators, and first responders operating in off-grid locations can stay connected, government, military, commercial and nonprofit organizations turn

Tech Talk | Remote Situational Awareness for Special Operations Forces
Join Wes Bryant, SOF Business Development Lead at goTenna as he presents a 10-minute Tech Talk on Remote Situational Awareness (RSA) during DSI’s 9th Annual SOF and Worldwide Operations Symposium on December 10th, 2020. Bryant discusses how to integrate low-bandwidth mesh networking technologies into tactical communications, command, and control. He

How the U.S. military helped develop mobile mesh networking
Mobile mesh networks provide device-to-device connectivity when centralized infrastructure is either unreliable or unavailable. Whether each network “node” is mobile or not, the defining features of mesh networks — decentralized, infrastructure-less, routing over multiple “hops” — have manifested themselves over the last several decades in different forms, for different applications,