Law Enforcement

Which aerial assets are the perfect match for your mesh network?
Those who operate in austere, geographically isolated areas outside of a cell service bubble need reliable communications for the duration of their mission. They’re either battling wildfires, searching for missing people, or monitoring border activity across huge swaths of land. Traditionally, the only way to have continuous coverage for situational

Chief Scott A. Luck on the security threats and communications challenges facing the northern border
In the United States, securing our borders has always been at the forefront of the national discussion around homeland security. But with government and media attention almost exclusively focused on issues of the southern border, not much is ever discussed regarding the major security threats and challenges that the northern

Chief Carla Provost on the role of communications in keeping Border Patrol agents safe
Border Patrol agents are often isolated – with miles separating them from their closest allies and backup. They also operate in regions where cellular networks are scarce, radio service can be spotty, and communications between agents can be challenging at best. To learn more about the life of a Border

Tough Stump solutions take the “stumped” out of tactical edge connectivity
Network-connected mobile devices, applications, and other digital technologies are crucial components of almost every military operation or mission. Unfortunately, operations are often executed in environments that lack the terrestrial network infrastructures capable of providing the necessary connectivity to these mission-critical technologies. When warfighters are deployed in off-grid and austere environments

A cost-effective way to leverage IoT in government missions
One of the recurring challenges that the government – at all levels – has faced for as long as many can remember is the need to accomplish massive missions with few resources. To combat that challenge, the government is increasingly turning to technology to better expend taxpayer resources by bridging

VTC sees benefits of mobile mesh for off-grid tactical operations
From urban landscapes to rugged terrains, American military, law enforcement and emergency response operations are often conducted in extremely varied, dynamic, and unpredictable environments. On any given workday, a first responder could be called upon to repel down the side of a skyscraper or extract an injured hiker from the

Terror attacks against critical infrastructure raise emergency communications concerns
Last December 25th – on Christmas Day – the people of Nashville, TN, had what normally would have been a routine Christmas morning disrupted by an explosion that shook the city. The explosions were the result of a terror attack perpetrated by a man named Anthony Quinn Warner, who –

Bunker Supply on developing on-body equipment for those on the frontline
Loss of connectivity at the last mile can often mean life or death for the average wildland firefighter, rescue team member, or soldier. As experts in on-body equipment, Bunker Supply makes it their mission to prevent communications equipment failure by building cases that can survive some of the world’s harshest

How ATAK Transformed Search and Rescue in Bernalillo County, New Mexico
When the Bernalillo County Sheriff Department’s (BCSD) Metro Air Support Unit (MASU) receives a search and rescue call from dispatch, time, speed, and, most importantly, situational awareness (SA) are crucial, make-or-break factors that determine the outcome of a critical incident. To add pressure to an already intense situation, New Mexico’s

Why off-grid comms are critical to keeping CBP operators safe
Digital transformation has been a leading trend across the federal government and military for the better part of the past decade. These digital transformation initiatives have resulted in an increased reliance on network-connected and network-enabled systems, applications, and platforms – making connectivity even more important and necessary for government organizations