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Case Study | Legionarius Smart Garments Report Wounds Using goTenna Pro X Series + ATAK
In June of 2024, goTenna and Legionarius embarked on a mission to showcase the impact of remote situational awareness and intervention in treating hemorrhaging wounds from gunshots, shrapnel, or explosives. Legionarius’ Smart Garments leveraged goTenna’s off-grid network data transport layer for this battlefield simulation test. The successful pairing of Legionarius Smart Garments

Data sheet | goTenna for JTAC operations
As a Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC), total situational awareness is necessary to employ precision munitions and prevent fratricide. Many times, there may not be a JTAC with each friendly element on the battlefield, meaning the JTAC must rely on observers situated in other locations to relay targeting data. This

Data sheet | Setting up goTenna Backhaul with TAK Environments
With goTenna, you can backhaul each operator’s location to the command center right from the area of operations using satellite or Wi-Fi connectivity. Within a goTenna backhaul setup, users can send PLI, messages and objects from the goTenna mesh network, where users are only mesh-connected. Learn more about how to

Video | goTenna Pro Deployment Kit 2 Tutorial
Now including a removable and ruggedized Samsung tablet, the goTenna Pro Deployment Kit 2 (goKit 2) can be used as an off-grid mobile command center to provide unprecedented situational awareness at the tactical edge. For more details or to request a virtual or in-person demo, visit:

Video | How goTenna’s mobile mesh network connects air-to-ground operators and moving assets
By simply deploying a goTenna Pro X2 device with each tactical operator involved in the military freefall exercise, users can track each other on a map or send messages at a 5-second Position, Location, Information (PLI) rate. There are more benefits to mobile mesh for military freefall than simply providing

Infographic | What’s the difference between goTenna Mesh and goTenna Pro X?
goTenna Mesh is designed for your personal use during outdoor trips, international travel, emergency preparedness, festivals, and crowded events. Check the full tech specs for goTenna Mesh here. Meanwhile, goTenna Pro X is designed for professional teams who require a product that is more powerful, operational, and ruggedized than goTenna

eBook | Tough Stump Tech Rodeo 2021 After Action Report
This eBook includes highlights from Tough Stump’s Tech Rodeo, an off-grid communications field test hosted by Tough Stump Technologies and Skybridge Tactical in September 2021. The goal of the event was to test ATOS, goTenna, Trellisware, Persistent Systems, and Domo Tactical equipment in an environment that encompassed distance, terrain elevation

Whitepaper | Remote situational awareness for special operations forces
Today’s connectivity allows each person to extend their scope of awareness well beyond their immediate environment. Without being physically present in a location, we can know the weather, check traffic, and receive updated news from nearly anywhere in the world. Remote situational awareness (RSA) — the ability to perceive beyond

Tech Talk | Remote Situational Awareness for Special Operations Forces
Join Wes Bryant, SOF Business Development Lead at goTenna as he presents a 10-minute Tech Talk on Remote Situational Awareness (RSA) during DSI’s 9th Annual SOF and Worldwide Operations Symposium on December 10th, 2020. Bryant discusses how to integrate low-bandwidth mesh networking technologies into tactical communications, command, and control. He

Virtual Demo | goTenna Pro for Tactical Law Enforcement
Tactical law enforcement units operate in congested urban areas, in and out of buildings and vehicles, and even in remote locations. No matter the mission, communications tools are essential to maintaining situational awareness and a low visibility profile — but what happens when cell, wifi, and radio networks become unreliable