
Experts at Aviation Week conference reveal three ways to improve the defense startup ecosystem
Earlier this month, Aviation Week Network hosted the annual A&D Programs Conference in Washington, D.C.. Attended by C-suite industry executives and government leaders, this event provides business intelligence and networking opportunities for industry and defense attendees, and this year’s event focused on the theme of “Building a Resilient Industrial Base.”

Can mobile mesh networks like goTenna’s be hacked?
In an era of increasing reliance on interconnected critical infrastructure systems, safeguarding power grids, gas pipelines, and transportation networks has never been more vital. These systems are often vulnerable to malware and other malicious hacking methods. Most recently, Dutch researchers from cybersecurity firm Midnight Blue have identified vulnerabilities in the

Connecting the island of Oahu, Hawaii with goTenna’s mesh networking
With its seven major islands, Hawaii stands as a captivating global destination, magnetizing millions of tourists annually. Yet, amidst the allure of crystal-clear coasts and powdery white sands, the Hawaiian islands possess a formidable and capricious aspect, often overshadowed by their tropical and cultural charm. Concealed within this paradise lies

goTenna demonstrates mesh networking capabilities at Modern Warfare Week
Last November, the goTenna team had an opportunity to demonstrate the mesh networking capabilities of the goTenna Pro X at Modern Warfare Week, a week-long exposition and demo event hosted by Global SOF Foundation. The demonstration took place roughly 30 minutes outside of Fort Bragg, North Carolina at The Range

Whitepaper | Remote situational awareness for special operations forces
Today’s connectivity allows each person to extend their scope of awareness well beyond their immediate environment. Without being physically present in a location, we can know the weather, check traffic, and receive updated news from nearly anywhere in the world. Remote situational awareness (RSA) — the ability to perceive beyond

Tech Spotlight Series: TRX Systems on personnel tracking in GPS-denied environments
In previous articles on The Last Mile we’ve discussed the usage of mobile mesh networking for basic connectivity. Whether that be for the use of public safety officials or military personnel, mobile mesh networking bolsters situational awareness in areas or instances where radio signals are typically denied. But what happens