Holding mobile phone to take photo in stadium
Law Enforcement

Watching live sports at a packed stadium can be phenomenal: the action on the field, the roar of the crowd. But hundreds of fans in one place can also prove to be a nightmare of poor cell service and congested networks — posing difficult communications challenges for the security teams

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Overview of stadium field and crowd
Resource Center

Festivals, concerts, and sporting events require constant partnership between public safety agencies and private security organizations. Far too often, we’ve seen how a lack of reliable and interoperable communication between agency partners has resulted in greater tragedy during unplanned emergencies. In this webinar, you will learn how to build a

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flooded street during hurricane
Resource Center

Recent disasters — from Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico to the Camp Fire in California — have proven that communications are the most critical and central infrastructure for emergency response and recovery. In order to reduce future disaster risk, emergency managers can begin to build community resilience with a better

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defense operator with chest mounted ATAK app on phone
Emergency ResponseLaw EnforcementMilitaryWildland Fire

Ask the average millennial or member of Gen Z to find you something on a paper map. If you do, I hope you’re prepared to wait for a while. Millennials have been accused of killing everything from chain restaurants to the diamond industry. And I’m certainly not trying to jump

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rescuers on boat on flooded street
Emergency ResponseLaw Enforcement

In my home state of Texas, we’ve experienced three “five hundred year floods” in just the past few years. And that’s a similar story to what we’re hearing across the country, where flooding, wildfires, hurricanes and other natural disasters are seemingly increasing in frequency. But they’re not just happening more

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Man holding a smartphone
Emergency Response

Too many times I’ve heard travelers say, “I have a bunch of ways to call home, I have Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and even Instagram,” not realizing that all of those rely upon a single communications channel. When the data cellular network goes down, all of those apps are unusable. Building

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defense team in field

Our military does absolutely everything necessary to ensure that each, individual warfighter is prepared for action and capable of accomplishing their mission. It’s this individual attention to providing each soldier with the tools, skills, weapons and technologies necessary to succeed that has made America’s military the most effective and capable

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satellite view of rivers
Emergency ResponseMilitary

All levels of government – from federal government agencies, to state and local government organizations, to the military – are increasingly turning to technology to increase efficiency and better serve constituents. It’s a trend that you may have seen referred to as, “digital transformation,” and it’s driving massive investment in

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