Wildland Fire

5 “must have” tools for more connected firefighting
In a previous post on The Last Mile, we looked at some of the large technology trends that are poised to get funding across the nation and transform firefighting in 2022. I also discussed how the Biden Administration – seeing the increased frequency and severity of incredibly damaging wildfires –

The exciting technologies revolutionizing firefighting in 2022
In a list of the most devastating and destructive years for wildland fires since 1960, the worst five years in terms of acreage burned have all occurred within the past decade and a half. That means that we’re living in a time of more frequent, more deadly, and more devastating

How Tough Stump’s ATOS solution is enhancing ATAK’s GPS tracking capabilities for the warfighter
When the Android Tactical Assault Kit (ATAK) was released a decade ago, its situational awareness and communications capabilities completely transformed how military, law enforcement, and emergency response teams coordinate and communicate during their missions. For more than 10 years, ATAK has been enabling any warfighter with an Android device to

Empowering a more effective, proactive government with data
In today’s increasingly network-enabled, digitally-transformed government, one of the greatest resources that the government has at its disposal is data. As David Egts, the Chief Technologist for North America Public Sector at Red Hat recently explained in an interview, “It’s clear that data has the power to revolutionize the government.

Five ways mobile mesh and IoT sensors can extend the government’s reach
Whether it’s from tight budgets or a lack of personnel, federal agencies have long struggled to accomplish incredibly important, massive missions because of a lack of resources. These inadequate resources have had dire consequences for Americans in the past – impacting agencies’ abilities to inspect food processing plants, and even

goTenna achieves data transmission of over 55 miles in a point-to-point field test at Tough Stump’s Tech Rodeo
Last month, goTenna – the world’s leading mobile mesh networking company and provider of off-grid connectivity solutions for smartphones and other devices – participated in Tough Stump’s Tech Rodeo, an off-grid communications field test hosted by Tough Stump Technologies and Skybridge Tactical. The goal of the Tech Rodeo was to test ATOS,

eBook | Tough Stump Tech Rodeo 2021 After Action Report
This eBook includes highlights from Tough Stump’s Tech Rodeo, an off-grid communications field test hosted by Tough Stump Technologies and Skybridge Tactical in September 2021. The goal of the event was to test ATOS, goTenna, Trellisware, Persistent Systems, and Domo Tactical equipment in an environment that encompassed distance, terrain elevation

Hot Take: Where should goTenna Pro X fall within a PACE Plan?
As part of the Hot Takes series, we’ll be taking a highly debated topic and exploring the pros and cons of both sides. During each debate, you’ll hear from goTenna Pro experts who offer hands-on experience from working with customers and deploying goTenna Pro X devices in the field. Cast

Webinar | Testing goTenna Pro X Mesh Networks in a Dense Forest
Join Mike Gibbs, Senior Forward-Deployed Engineer at goTenna as he discusses his mesh network field test findings. During the test, his team was able to test goTenna Pro X mesh network range through moderate to heavy densities of vegetation at shoulder, canopy-level as well as above vegetation via a drone

Which aerial assets are the perfect match for your mesh network?
Those who operate in austere, geographically isolated areas outside of a cell service bubble need reliable communications for the duration of their mission. They’re either battling wildfires, searching for missing people, or monitoring border activity across huge swaths of land. Traditionally, the only way to have continuous coverage for situational