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hoverfly drone in air
Emergency ResponseMilitary

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are flying high above today’s battlefields, special events, and disaster zones to provide critical situational awareness to tactical teams on the ground. But what happens when that military intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance (ISR) mission or wildfire survey lasts days at a time? Untethered drones can only stay

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defense operators in alaskan wilderness

This past June, I traveled to Alaska to conduct a product demonstration for the Army utilizing our goTenna Pro X mobile mesh networking solution. However, instead of simply showing the product to the Army and highlighting its capabilities and functions, they decided they wanted to see it in action for

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defense operator with Pro X device on back
Emergency ResponseIndustrialMilitary

For teams using ATAK and other apps for situational awareness, goTenna Pro and Pro X mesh networking devices are now becoming a standard part of their communications equipment load. Once paired with a smartphone or other end user device, goTenna Pro’s mesh networking technology allows teams to maintain core mobile

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operator with ATAK on chest mount

In previous articles on The Last Mile we’ve discussed the usage of mobile mesh networking for basic connectivity. Whether that be for the use of public safety officials or military personnel, mobile mesh networking bolsters situational awareness in areas or instances where radio signals are typically denied.  But what happens

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Defense operators with UAV in forest

The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) – or drones as they’re more commonly known – for intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) functions is incredibly important for today’s military. UAV intelligence and data – whether that be still images or real-time, high definition video – serves a key function in

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defense operator with chest mounted ATAK app on phone
Emergency ResponseLaw EnforcementMilitaryWildland Fire

Ask the average millennial or member of Gen Z to find you something on a paper map. If you do, I hope you’re prepared to wait for a while. Millennials have been accused of killing everything from chain restaurants to the diamond industry. And I’m certainly not trying to jump

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defense team in field

Our military does absolutely everything necessary to ensure that each, individual warfighter is prepared for action and capable of accomplishing their mission. It’s this individual attention to providing each soldier with the tools, skills, weapons and technologies necessary to succeed that has made America’s military the most effective and capable

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satellite view of rivers
Emergency ResponseMilitary

All levels of government – from federal government agencies, to state and local government organizations, to the military – are increasingly turning to technology to increase efficiency and better serve constituents. It’s a trend that you may have seen referred to as, “digital transformation,” and it’s driving massive investment in

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