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Notional photo of a U.S. military soldier using goTenna Pro mesh networking radio device in the field for off-grid communications
MilitaryResource Center

Join Wes Bryant, SOF Business Development Lead at goTenna as he presents a 10-minute Tech Talk on Remote Situational Awareness (RSA) during DSI’s 9th Annual SOF and Worldwide Operations Symposium on December 10th, 2020. Bryant discusses how to integrate low-bandwidth mesh networking technologies into tactical communications, command, and control. He

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Emergency ResponseLaw EnforcementMilitaryWildland Fire

The civilian version of the U.S. military’s situational awareness application, ATAK, is officially released so any team around the world can take advantage of its leading tools for teamwide command and control — completely free of charge. The Team Awareness Kit for Android (often referred to as CivTAK or TAK-CIV)

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Soldier using smartphone before deployment

Dismounted warfighters and first responders carry all of the communications and situational awareness tools they need to coordinate activities with their teammates and superiors, request for assistance when in trouble, and maintain knowledge of what’s happening in their area of operations and location.  As communications technology becomes more and more

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Mobile mesh networks provide device-to-device connectivity when centralized infrastructure is either unreliable or unavailable. Whether each network “node” is mobile or not, the defining features of mesh networks — decentralized, infrastructure-less, routing over multiple “hops” — have manifested themselves over the last several decades in different forms, for different applications,

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Tactical law enforcement operators with mounted mobile phones and goTenna Pro
MilitaryResource Center

Tactical law enforcement units operate in congested urban areas, in and out of buildings and vehicles, and even in remote locations. No matter the mission, communications tools are essential to maintaining situational awareness and a low visibility profile — but what happens when cell, wifi, and radio networks become unreliable

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goTenna Pro X and ATAK

The military is perpetually innovating new ways to increase soldier survivability and lethality. It’s what drives much of their investment into new military platforms, weapons systems, and other tools for the warfighter. And one of the areas where the military is focusing much of its efforts is on outfitting what

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Hardware Engineer Lead Raphael Abrams

For this month’s spotlight, we interviewed Raphael Abrams, the lead of hardware engineering at goTenna. As the company’s first employee, he developed goTenna’s two generations of consumer hardware  and has since led the transition to their tactical-grade goTenna Pro line.  Today also happens to be the one year anniversary since

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JTAC soldier in field

Having served in the United States Air Force as a Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC), I understand the importance of situational awareness for conventional and special operations forces missions. During my twenty years of service, I contributed to countless missions in austere environments attached to U.S. and coalition ground forces,

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hoverfly drone in air
Emergency ResponseMilitary

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are flying high above today’s battlefields, special events, and disaster zones to provide critical situational awareness to tactical teams on the ground. But what happens when that military intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance (ISR) mission or wildfire survey lasts days at a time? Untethered drones can only stay

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defense operators in alaskan wilderness

This past June, I traveled to Alaska to conduct a product demonstration for the Army utilizing our goTenna Pro X mobile mesh networking solution. However, instead of simply showing the product to the Army and highlighting its capabilities and functions, they decided they wanted to see it in action for

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