Resource Center

Video | How goTenna’s mobile mesh network connects air-to-ground operators and moving assets
By simply deploying a goTenna Pro X2 device with each tactical operator involved in the military freefall exercise, users can track each other on a map or send messages at a 5-second Position, Location, Information (PLI) rate. There are more benefits to mobile mesh for military freefall than simply providing

Whitepaper | Location Tracking Systems for Wildland Firefighters
“In terms of knowing exactly where our wildland firefighters are, that’s currently a very rare thing we’re able to do.” — Brad Schmidt, Wildland Fire Project Manager, Colorado Center of Excellence for Advanced Technology Aerial Firefighting quoted on KKCO News in 2020. Radios in use today haven’t changed much since

Webinar | Enhancing Border Technology with Geospatial Data
Recent advances in the curation of geospatial data and technology have made it possible to understand strategic areas of interest in more detail than ever before. Data democratization and machine learning are paving the way for analysts to monitor exactly how busy locations are at different times and what this

Infographic | What’s the difference between goTenna Mesh and goTenna Pro X?
goTenna Mesh is designed for your personal use during outdoor trips, international travel, emergency preparedness, festivals, and crowded events. Check the full tech specs for goTenna Mesh here. Meanwhile, goTenna Pro X is designed for professional teams who require a product that is more powerful, operational, and ruggedized than goTenna

eBook | Tough Stump Tech Rodeo 2021 After Action Report
This eBook includes highlights from Tough Stump’s Tech Rodeo, an off-grid communications field test hosted by Tough Stump Technologies and Skybridge Tactical in September 2021. The goal of the event was to test ATOS, goTenna, Trellisware, Persistent Systems, and Domo Tactical equipment in an environment that encompassed distance, terrain elevation

Webinar | Testing goTenna Pro X Mesh Networks in a Dense Forest
Join Mike Gibbs, Senior Forward-Deployed Engineer at goTenna as he discusses his mesh network field test findings. During the test, his team was able to test goTenna Pro X mesh network range through moderate to heavy densities of vegetation at shoulder, canopy-level as well as above vegetation via a drone

Podcast: Mystery Ranch’s Lucas Mayfield discusses the tools needed to keep hotshot crews safe
Because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the 2020 presidential election, one of the biggest stories of 2020 is at risk of being forgotten. 2020 was the year of the wildland fire, and not just in the United States. The year began with the “Black Summer” bushfires burning across New

Whitepaper | Remote situational awareness for special operations forces
Today’s connectivity allows each person to extend their scope of awareness well beyond their immediate environment. Without being physically present in a location, we can know the weather, check traffic, and receive updated news from nearly anywhere in the world. Remote situational awareness (RSA) — the ability to perceive beyond

Infographic | Nonprofits on navigating connectivity in the Digital Divide
As communities around the globe work to close the digital divide, there are countless nonprofits and nongovernmental organizations that need to fill critical gaps in connectivity in order to operate safely and effectively now. During a live panel discussion “Navigating Connectivity in the Digital Divide,” we asked nonprofit professionals how

Tech Talk | Remote Situational Awareness for Special Operations Forces
Join Wes Bryant, SOF Business Development Lead at goTenna as he presents a 10-minute Tech Talk on Remote Situational Awareness (RSA) during DSI’s 9th Annual SOF and Worldwide Operations Symposium on December 10th, 2020. Bryant discusses how to integrate low-bandwidth mesh networking technologies into tactical communications, command, and control. He