mesh networks

“Leave behind” sensors for denied areas – a low-risk supplement to airborne ISR
The United States Department of Defense (DoD) relies on a core support system to enable mission success for warfighters on the ground. This support system generally includes air supremacy, capable communications infrastructure, and logistical arrangements for food and supplies. While communications and food for troops seem like common sense, some

3 ways nonprofits utilized mesh networks to stay connected off the grid
From performing mountain rescues to establishing resilient communities in hurricane-prone regions, having access to reliable communications is critical for the success of both short-term and long-term recovery efforts executed by nonprofits and humanitarian aid organizations. According to the World Economic Forum, humanitarian crises are more frequent and severe than ever,

5 reasons why mobile mesh is an essential military communications tool
As connected devices and the network-enabled platforms and weapons systems of tomorrow make their way into every part of the mission, many across the DoD are looking to the rapidly advancing commercial satellite industry and 5G networks to deliver the military communications that they require to operate. Unfortunately, 5G networks

3 emerging off-the-shelf technologies that impact the modern battlefield
With our eyes fixed on the horizon, staring hard into a new age of warfare, we can see the amplification and militarization of commercial off-the-shelf technologies (COTS). Today, a soldier or an irregular fighter is more than just a combatant. They also act as a sensor, communicator, and human weapon

5 “must have” tools for more connected firefighting
In a previous post on The Last Mile, we looked at some of the large technology trends that are poised to get funding across the nation and transform firefighting in 2022. I also discussed how the Biden Administration – seeing the increased frequency and severity of incredibly damaging wildfires –

The exciting technologies revolutionizing firefighting in 2022
In a list of the most devastating and destructive years for wildland fires since 1960, the worst five years in terms of acreage burned have all occurred within the past decade and a half. That means that we’re living in a time of more frequent, more deadly, and more devastating

Webinar | Testing goTenna Pro X Mesh Networks in a Dense Forest
Join Mike Gibbs, Senior Forward-Deployed Engineer at goTenna as he discusses his mesh network field test findings. During the test, his team was able to test goTenna Pro X mesh network range through moderate to heavy densities of vegetation at shoulder, canopy-level as well as above vegetation via a drone

CivTAK brings military-grade situational awareness to any professional team — here’s how to take CivTAK off the grid
The civilian version of the U.S. military’s situational awareness application, ATAK, is officially released so any team around the world can take advantage of its leading tools for teamwide command and control — completely free of charge. The Team Awareness Kit for Android (often referred to as CivTAK or TAK-CIV)

Top 5 takeaways from Craig Fugate’s keynote address at IWCE 2020
Last week’s IWCE 2020 conference featured 48 breakout sessions on everything from broadband to deployable networks, and even featured keynote speakers such as former FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate. In his keynote address, Fugate addressed hundreds of virtual attendees on an often overlooked area of critical communications — interoperability with disaster

Tech Spotlight Series: Juggernaut.Case keeps the mission going with ruggedized mobile gear
Dismounted warfighters and first responders carry all of the communications and situational awareness tools they need to coordinate activities with their teammates and superiors, request for assistance when in trouble, and maintain knowledge of what’s happening in their area of operations and location. As communications technology becomes more and more